Category: Tionscadail / Projects

“Onóir” – Coirm/Concert NCH 30/10/2016

Weeks of rehearsal coming to a head now for a lot of new work which will get it’s first outing in the National Concert Hall on Sunday the 30th of November.  It is a time of anxious waiting to see how it works out as i have taken a few chances with some of the […]

Through Banks of Mist

Tá sé ansa anois a cháirde.  It has arrived and we can post it from today on.   This is the 2nd cd from Seán O Sé and myself. We had good fun making it and look forward to touring it wherever in the world we are asked – from Ballymagash to Borneo. Anyone interested in […]

Triur Film Finished

Ag Cuardach Crot RTE1 10:10 Dé Máirt (Tuesday) 20/3/2012 Finally the Triur film is finished. Film maker Domhnal O Ceilleachair has been living in our ears for the last four years with this. We are a little apprehensive obviously as we forgot the cameras, after a while, and said a lot of things! Domhnal is fresh […]

Cór Cúil Aodha.

Cór Cúil Aodha Bunaíodh Cór Chúil Aodha sa bhliain 1964.   Nuair a bhí Seán Ó Riada ina chónaí i ngaeltacht Chorca Dhuibhne 1 1962 d’eirigh sé ana cháirdiúil leis an t-Athair Donnachadha Ó Concubhair a bhí mar shagart cúnnta i mBaile Mhuirne ag an am.   Nuair a’ dheigh Seán i mbun oibre i ’nOllscoil Chorcaighe, […]

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