Home » Clár raidió / Radio show » Cuire Chun Ceoil #1238 6/12/’24

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1238 6/12/’24

Seo an clár mar a fógrófar an 15 sa chraobh don Comortas Bonn Ór Seán Ó Riada. Clár beo a taifeadadh ag Éigse Diarmuidín an tseachtain seo caite ach nárbh fhéidir a chraoladh go dtí inniu, toisc an toghachán / This is the program where we announce the 15 finalists for the Seán Ó Riada Gold Medal. We had to record this last Friday at Éisge Diarmuidín and could only broadcast it tonight because of the election. It contains a series of live performances and chats. Cláracha atá imithe ansa thíos + craoladh beo ar-líne. Previous prgs and live broadcasting  online via below link RnaG/RTE eolas agus archives faoin gclár/info and archives re program

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