Cuire Chun Ceoil #1185 10/11/’23
November 10, 2023 | Posted by peadar under Clár raidió / Radio show |
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An Geimhreadh againn go láidir anois ach tá dlúth dhiosca nua agam díbh ón dtaobh-sa tíre Melodeon Medleys le Diarmuid Ó Meachair / Winter has taken a strong hold hereabout but i have a new CD, from this area, for you this program- Melodeon Medleys by Diarmuid Ó Meachair. Tá an comórtas anois dúnnta agus na moltóirí ag obair/The Gold Medal competition is now closed and the adjudicators are working. Prog. Track list don clár seo 1185 Cláracha atá imithe ansa thíos + craoladh beo ar-líne. Previous prgs and live broadcasting online via below link RnaG/RTE eolas agus archives faoin gclár/info and archives re program